Sunday, April 22, 2018

Probably all of us want to improve at something in our lives, but ask yourself, how much time do you dedicate every day to improve your skills? That's a good question and a place to start looking if you want to go to the next level.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said: ¨Your repetitions are your reputation" so start building a daily routine to work on the skills that are going to open the doors to start living the good life, full of happiness, and full of goals to accomplish, keep pushing yourself until you get what you want.

In my case, I'm looking to improve my writing skills, and at the beginning it's difficult, but as you start dedicating time every day it gets easier and with the help of different tools out there you can work your way to writing a page a day, keeping track of what you write is very helpful and you can use it for future blog posts after doing some editing.

What works for me? Well, this is a list I got together to share with everyone, hope it helps you too:

  1. Create a blog, start writing to work on your skills, and you may end up being a star blogger.
  2. Write first thing in the morning, with a fresh mind and some music in the background to get creativity flowing through your mind.
  3. Save all your writing in a folder to keep track of those 7 articles per week.
  4. In your free time, take the time to work on them editing the content to produce an extraordinary blog post.
  5. Share your thoughts with the world, be open to receive feedback, don't get mad, it will help you get on the right path.
  6. After 30 days, review your work and think of focusing on a subject you like.
  7. Read the best book written related to that subject, and throw in a few random books recommended by readers online to have the perfect combination of knowledge in your head.
  8. Repeat until you make it!
If you want to make something happen, start doing it right now! You don't know what could happen, and where this daily writing can take you, but one thing is for sure, you will not regret it!! The results will have an impact in different areas of your life, one good habit will open a large variety of opportunities.

Good luck!

Best Regards,


Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2018 by unoporcientord

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Monday, April 17, 2017

All those big names you see in the news, magazines and social media have something in common, they all started small. Don´t get confused, and remember everything in life starts taking the first step and then being persistent on what you want to achieve. Forget about what people say, usually, when you have a good idea everyone is going to say something about it, people even call you crazy until your idea actually starts working.

Nothing is easy, but if you really want something to happen, start working on it, if it's a blog start writing, if you like photography takes pictures, with practice you will gain experience and share it with the world. In the same path, if what you want is to start a business get out of the building and start exposing that great idea with people that would be interested in it, the feedback you could get from them is very valuable and can help you shape your business model. You don´t have to be a rocket scientist to discover that through practice you can master anything, or how else could an athlete be so good at any sport without dedicating time to build up skills and be the best at what they do?

Remember you will be able to do anything if you really believe in it, and on the other hand, if you add some activities to make that idea a reality, positive thinking is one thing, making it happen is another. Time to get out of the building and start exploring your options, if you have certain skills with technology, writing, or whatever start monetizing it.

If you want different results in your life, change your mindset and start living the life you want.         I always like to use this quote by Albert Einstein to remind people to stop living on autopilot and actually start taking action doing different things: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Your future depends on what you do today, and remember only through curiosity you will gain knowledge, and this takes me to that thought of what Steve Jobs said: "Stay hungry, stay foolish".

I want to close this post with simple words that if applied correctly can create a new chain of events to take you anywhere, here you go! Make it happen!

Stop thinking what people could say about your idea.
Stop listening to all the noise and focus on what really is important.
Stop wasting your time on things that don't add value to your life.
Start taking actions that take you closer to your dreams.
Start doing more and talking less.
Start executing your ideas and learning from the experience.

Start today!!

I hope you like what you read if so please leave a comment.

Best Regards,


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Posted on Monday, April 17, 2017 by unoporcientord

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Sunday, April 16, 2017

You started the new year and probably wrote down your NEW YEARS RESOLUTION like all the people I know. Let me tell you something, over 90% of people don't even start the year with a plan at hand to make it through their to-do list. I hope you don't want to be part of the statistics of the population that are not successful in life.

If you didn't start the year with a plan, don't worry you still have time to make this the best year of your life! Sit down and write down the results you want and work your way towards the things you want, is it going to be easy, it won't, but it's worth it!

You can read more on how to align yourself with the life you want to live reading my previous article Become the CEO of your life.

Life happens NOW, your future is TODAY and it doesn't depend on tomorrow, it actually depends on what you do after reading my article, and the ACTIONS you take to guarantee to stay on track during 2017.

Just think about how many times you started a new year with a DREAM, and think about why you didn't do anything to change your life, why is it so difficult to change you SHOULD for you MUST.

The moment you change SHOULD for MUST your life will start changing and success will knock on your door only if you are CONSISTENT throughout the year, remember you don't get what you want, you get what you have to have.

During your journey in life you will find lots of people that will tell you that what you're trying to do is impossible, and trust me, don't pay attention to them otherwise you will end up like them. Pursue what makes you happy, no matter how crazy it sounds to people, they will call you all sorts of names and tell people you are crazy until they start seeing the results of being OBSESSED with what you love doing.

The 1% of the world has all the things most people want to have because they do what most of them don't want to give up. It's up to you to change your reality and don't let other peoples opinions affect your journey towards success and living the good life.

Change your mind and change your life.

Change what you read and change your thoughts from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

Change your routine and expect new results.

Change and welcome long journey of self-improvement to start Living the Good Life!!

Remember what the Irish dramatist George Bernard Shaw said about change:
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." 

Don't be afraid of the new things that are coming into your life, you have to be afraid of not doing anything and looking back 10 years from now and saying, Why didn't I do anything!! That's what you have to be afraid about!

I hope this article has a positive impact in your life!!

Best regards,


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Posted on Sunday, April 16, 2017 by unoporcientord

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

This year has been very turbulent for me in the sense of the way I'm aligning my life towards being the best version of myself to become the CEO of my life.

We all have ideas of having our own business, being successful and lots of other thoughts about living the good life, sometimes forgetting that we have to apply some extraordinary tools (in books, blogs, mentors, coaches) that can actually help us jump start our lives and getting back on track to start executing specific tasks or activities that will take us closer to our objectives and goals.

Remember what Einstein said:
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Do you really think repeating what you did last year is going to change your results, remember what Einstein said! That's why I put the quote in the first place, open your eyes and start changing your routines and expect different results.

Forget about being perfect and change that for being consistent over the course of the following 18 months, if you really want to start living the good life, get a calendar and jump to 18 months from now, write down where you want to be, and reverse engineer your way back to the current date and add these activities to your calendar:

  1. Become a morning person, waking up early gives you a head start and avoid pressing snooze.
  2. Create objectives and goals, assign a time frame, remember you have 18 months to get there.
  3. If it's serious and important put it on your calendar.
  4. Learn new skills if necessary, push yourself harder.
  5. Finish what you start, make a habit out of it and you will change your results.
  6. Read your way to success opening and finishing the books that will get you to the next level.
  7. If something isn't giving you the results you are looking for, change what you do and experiment your way to the results you want.
  8. Timebox your activities and commit to your schedules and routines.
  9. Work at something you really enjoy, imagine being very good at something you're really bad at. Wake up call!
  10. Master your finances and invest part of your income in yourself to activate the growth mindset. Start saving money to make small investments. 
  11. Share some quality time with people that are important to you and share your experiences with them, you can get some valuable feedback to make some adjustments to continue your journey.
When you get into the cycle of becoming a better version of yourself you just can't stop the learning process and sharing knowledge with friends and family.

Peter Drucker, one of the most influential authority in management said:
"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes."

After reading that quote start reading more books about the people that already have what you want and reverse engineer what they did to have what most people want so you can learn from their experiences. Remember what Warren Buffet said: "It's good to learn from your mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes." 

I wanted to share these thoughts on how to first become the CEO of your life and start living the good life before jumping into anything without being prepared for what comes next.

A successful CEO has the responsibility of running a profitable company but also needs to have the vision of where to find new business opportunities. Apply this to your life and start improving in the different areas that need attention to allow you to get to the next level. Remember you need to balance everything out in your finances, health, relationships, and skills to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that you create. Turn off your autopilot and start living the life you want!

If you like this post please share it with your friends!!

Best Regards,

Constantino Floros

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Posted on Saturday, April 15, 2017 by unoporcientord

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Have you ever had that feeling when you wake up, thinking about what happened with all the things you were going to achieve at your current age and you’re not even halfway there?
Stop right there.

That mindset will not make anything happen, but taking the decision to change your life will. Right now stop thinking about all the things you didn’t do, and all the things you were supposed to do and change those thoughts for action. When I say action I’m referring to making it happen, but not everything, specific activities that will take you closer to what you want in life.
If you want to finish your career start looking for the information you need to start school again, mark your calendar with a day, call your local college or access their website and get what you need and make it happen now. Write down the steps you have to take to get there, how much money you need and the places you have to go to, everything in detail and start executing!
On the other hand if what you want in life is being healthier, change what you eat today. Write down all the things you’re eating and look where you’re making mistakes when you identify what’s wrong in your diet you take the first step to change your life. Don’t go to the extreme, find balance and give your body what it needs. Ask people you know that already have the results you’re looking for how they did it and get some extra knowledge on how to get there.
There are examples of basically everything you can imagine and I would have to say that where most people fail is in executing the plan they lay out on paper. Don’t be part of the statistics of those that didn’t do anything and walk through life on auto-pilot, this is your wake-up call to take action and live the life you want and deserve.
Everybody wants the good life, but what are you doing to start living it?
I hope this article impacts your life and sets motion to those key activities that are going to start the change today, the change to make you happy and get what you want out of life.
If you like this post please leave a comment below and share it with your friends.
Best regards,
Constantino Floros

Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 by unoporcientord

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Vamos a comenzar este post con una pregunta super interesante:

¿Cuál sería la actividad más importante que podrías hacer esta semana para que todo el resto sea innecesario?

La pregunta a simple vista no se ve compleja, pero si profundizamos en los pequeños detalles te darás cuenta que la vida muchas veces nos pone delante de nuestros ojos oportunidades que por descuido se esfuman con actividades del día a día que a largo plazo no sumarán nada en tu lista de éxito.

Marco Aurelio dijo:
El tiempo es como un río que forman los acontecimientos.”

Muchas personas se esconden detrás de las listas de cosas por hacer y se entretienen durante el día eliminando actividades, pero al final la pregunta adecuada sería la siguiente: ¿Estás eliminando actividades de tu lista de cosas por hacer o te estás borrando tu mismo?, no fijando prioridades en aquellas cosas que podrán hacer tus sueños realidad y te permitan hacer más de lo que te gusta y menos de lo que no te interesa. Debo destacar que una lista de cosas por hacer apunta hacia todos lados y una lista de éxito apunta en una dirección en específico, ¿Dónde estás apuntando tú?

La falta de enfoque o de no saber identificar lo que realmente te apasiona podría ser un factor determinante en cómo vas a estar en los siguientes años, entonces porque no prestar más atención a lo que realmente es importante. TÚ!

Tienes el activo más valioso que existe en la tierra entre tus orejas y sobre tus hombros, el CEREBRO, así que solo te queda pensar en qué eres bueno y lo que quieres hacer el resto de tu vida con tus habilidades. Olvida la velocidad en que ocurren las cosas y cambia el pensamiento por pequeños logros que se convertirán en uno grande. Muchas veces queremos lograr lo grande sin hacer lo pequeño y es donde la gran mayoría falla, no seas uno mas del montón, hazlo mejor y diferente. Debo hacer énfasis en lo pequeño, ya que es conveniente que cambies lo que podrías hacer por lo que tienes que hacer.

Napoleón Bonaparte dijo:
El triunfo no está en vencer siempre sino en nunca desanimarse”.

Cuando lo correcto se pone en movimiento se crea una reacción en cadena de sucesos que te pueden llevar más lejos de lo que te imaginas y acercarte al éxito. Convierte cada día en un escalón para estar más cerca de lo que te apasiona. Comienza hoy!

Quiero cerrar este post conectando con la pregunta que hice al inicio. Identifica la actividad que realmente es importante y recuerda que para ser exitoso no es necesario ser bueno en todo, pero si saber hacer lo que realmente es IMPORTANTE.

¿Y tú, que estás poniendo en movimiento?

(Photo : Flickr user Addison Berry )

Posted on Monday, August 24, 2015 by unoporcientord

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

En este nuevo día, olvida la rutina y todo lo que haces de forma repetitiva durante los 365 días del año, es tiempo de comenzar algo nuevo, persigue tu pasión si no lo haces tú lo hará otro.
El mundo es muy competitivo y no todas las personas están dispuestas hacer sacrificios, recordemos lo que decía Napoleón Bonaparte :”La victoria es del más perseverante”.
Si revisas la lista de las personas más ricas del mundo tienen un común denominador, ninguno son empleados, son dueños de empresas y si alguna vez fueron empleados lo veían desde la perspectiva de aprendizaje y saltaban de un trabajo a otro absorbiendo conocimiento en diferentes áreas hasta completar su ciclo de aprendizaje y conocer todos los detalles de cómo manejar una empresa. Durante este proceso muchas veces lograban identificar lo que realmente les gustaba hacer, contrario a otros que permanecen en un modo de piloto automático sin descubrir lo que realmente les apasiona.
Albert Einstein dijo:
Locura es hacer la misma cosa una y otra vez esperando obtener diferentes resultados”.
Solo piensa en las cosas que podrías hacer si dejas de vivir el día a día y comienzas a buscar oportunidades donde otros no lo hacen.
La cantidad de recursos disponibles en la gran red mundial de información (internet) son infinitos y abarcan todas las áreas, el que busca encuentra, quien se esfuerza recibe recompensa, quien se inicia en los negocios se cae, pero sube, aprende lecciones pero fortalece sus capacidades y llegan a un punto donde comienzan a ver todo con más claridad, pero sin práctica, sin tomar riesgos, no podrás recibir a cambio el conocimiento del mundo de los negocios. Esto lo podemos llevar a todos los campos o ciencias, donde personas muchas veces autodidactas le entregaron al mundo sus inventos que cambiaron la forma como vivimos hoy.
Thomas Edison dijo:
No fracasé, sólo descubrí 999 maneras de cómo no hacer una bombilla “
Al igual que ellos, quienes triunfan en los negocios lo hacen por medio de la práctica y de aprender de sus errores. Hoy en día muchos reducen esta curva de aprendizaje tomando en cuenta los errores que cometieron otros y accediendo a recibir orientaciones de mentores o personas de diferentes industrias que ya han triunfado y ofrecen todos sus insights o tips, para de esta manera ayudar al emprendedor o aprendiz.
Si quieres triunfar en los negocios debes comenzar hoy, de lo contrario jamás podrás contar la historia de tu recorrido como emprendedor que comenzó desde cero y luego mediante esfuerzo, dedicación y aprendizaje continuo construyó su gran empresa.
Quiero cerrar con una frase del maestro Peter Drucker:
La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es crearlo”
El tiempo se agota, que estas esperando tú?

(Photo: Flickr )

Posted on Sunday, August 23, 2015 by unoporcientord

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